Friday, December 5, 2008

putting the 'rogue' in 'prorogue'

I have been remiss and I apologize. I have left you wandering unattended in the thickets of Canadian politics while I watched "You Are What You Eat" and redecorated my blog.

To address the most pressing issues:

  1. Yes, everyone in Ottawa gets a "snow day" as a result of parliament being prorogued. In fact, they get a snow month and a half (or more). It will be nothing but snow angels and snowball fights on Parliament Hill until January 29th.
  2. To "prorogue" is not a euphemism for something nastier. Although, in this case, it could be.
  3. The governor general of Canada is the head of state and the representative of our actual head of state - the Queen of England.
  4. Yes, that is sad.
  5. The role of the governor general is largely ceremonial, except for those rare occasions, like this one, when the fate of the government rests in her (or his) hands. It's like, at the bottom of the ninth with the bases loaded, sending the mascot up to bat.
  6. In recent years, it has become fashionable to appoint minorities and women (or minority women) to the post of governor general - so we've had Ukrainian, French Canadian, Chinese, and Haitian governors general. It's a way of appearing open and tolerant as a society without giving these people any actual power (well, it usually is). It also draws attention away from the reality which is that, with the exception of the 10 minutes during the early '90s in which Kim Campbell was prime minister, Canada has always been ruled by white men.
  7. I, personally, am torn between my hatred of Harper (and my desire to see my erstwhile debating club buddy turfed from office without time for rebuttal) and my fear that a coalition supported by the separatists/sovereigntists would be doomed to perdition from the outset.
  8. I believe it's time to ask ourselves, "What would Sir Guy Carleton do?" (WWSGCD). Sir Guy (pictured above, right) was governor general not once but THREE times between 1768 and 1796. Surely during his long tenure he did or said something that could be applied to today's situation. I really hope somebody has the time to do a little research and find out what that something was.

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