Many years ago, in journalism school, my sister's class was asked to come up with a name for the weekly radio show they'd be broadcasting on the campus station. She suggested "Le Trottoir Imbecile" -- "The Imbecile Sidewalk" -- based on the title of an Edward Gorey story about a writer who finds himself at a very boring dinner at a restaurant by that name.
Her radio professor was much taken with it, but cooler heads prevailed, and the show was eventually called, "Newshour," or "Current Events," or "Stuff We Have to Do to Graduate."
But I always felt "Le Trottoir Imbecile" was a title worthy of use, and now that my old blog name is no longer appropriate (because I no longer live at Rasinovo Nabrezi 76, and the Czech pensioners who do would probably would not appreciate my musings on the perfidy of the Adidas corporation or the wisdom of dating a war criminal going out attached to their address) I've decided to use it.
I'm excited about the blog relaunch and I hope you are too, and if not, that you have the grace to fake it because I promise, I'll buy it.
More to follow...
This ain't so no front hug zone!
Gimme that Christian side hug!!!!
Did anyone explain to these kids what "i'm a rough rider" means? Coz i
think it means something different to what they ar...
15 years ago
Fantastique! Vive Le Troittoir Imbecile!
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