Wednesday, February 3, 2010

movin' on up

I've decided to pack my bags and move to ... Word Press.

The decision was made rather suddenly. I was telling someone about my blog (i.e. shamelessly promoting myself), and when this person asked 'What's it called?' it took me 10 minutes to say the name, spell it out, and then try to explain it. I'm no web specialist, but even I realized that giving your blog a completely obscure name is not the best way to attract an audience. I was limiting myself to a few good friends and anyone who happened to include the words "imbecile" and "trottoir" in their google search, ensuring a further level of obscurity because most of these people would be French, and my blog is written in "English."

So onward, ever onward!

You'll find me here.

Monday, February 1, 2010

me and [insert clever blogging idea here]

I'm trying to think of a "Julie and Julia" gimmick that could win me more readers but it's harder than that Julie chick made it look. She started with a cookbook so I figure I should choose another sort of reference material. Here are some possibilities I've been mulling over:

Atlas: I could try visiting every country in the atlas (Pros: I'd get to see the world; I'd finally figure out where Togo is. Cons: expensive, time-consuming, would require me to visit Poland, unless I based it on my actual atlas, from which I've excised all references to Poland).

The Guinness Book of World Records: I could try to beat all the records. (Pros: would involve a lot of eating. Cons: too many opposing goals -- you'd have to be the fattest AND the skinniest, the tallest AND the shortest, the fastest AND the slowest; could also potentially require me to visit Poland).

Medical Dictionary: I could try contracting every disease in a standard medical dictionary. (Pros: could potentially be done from the comfort of my own home. Cons: wouldn't make for particularly light-hearted reading; could actually kill me).

Phone Book: I could try calling everyone in a given phone book. (Pros: could definitely be done from home; requires no particular skill. Cons: they might start calling back).

FBI's 10 Most Wanted: I could try to capture the FBI's 10 most wanted fugitives. Failing that, I could at least hang out with them. (Pros: would make more interesting reading than an account of making boeuf bourguignon. Cons: I would have to learn Spanish, as five of them are Hispanic; none of them is particularly cute - see for yourself, this is the FBI's actual 10 most wanted list. If they spent as much time looking for fugitives as they did experimenting with fonts, they'd probably whittle it down in no time.)